A Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition

Drug Free Jackson



Drug Free Jackson is a collaborative body of community members that convenes regularly to address the issue of substance use prevention needs for Jackson County. Together we collect and coordinate information about substance use prevention and create policies in order to create priorities and determine effective prevention strategies for Jackson County. Additionally, the Coalition uses the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Strategic Prevention Framework as the basis for our activities.

Drug Free Jackson will work to prevent and reduce youth and adult substance use by building community capacity and supporting substance use prevention, early intervention, and treatment through recovery oriented systems.

To have a safe and health community free of substance misuse.


Instagram @DrugFreeJxn


DFJ Meetings


Coalition Meetings

2nd Wednesday of each month from 1:00-2:30 PM on Zoom.
If you wish to be added to the meetings please fill out the Contact page.
Coalition Chair: Brooke Page, Home of New Vision
Coalition Vice-Chair: Stacy Reese, South Central Michigan Works

Ending substance misuse in the community, as a community.